Friday, April 11, 2008

Saturday. Keep it open.

Keep a clean slate this Saturday afternoon & evening, as a Buffalo mainstay & an up-and-coming event take precedent. The Whiskerino Pageant & the Progressive Pub Crawl are on the docket.

Next Saturday, April 19th, is the First Annual Mustache Pageant. Growers will be competing for "Mustache King" along with other prizes. Some of our region-renowned Roller Girls will be present to judge, and ultimately shave the mustaches. Hair will be auctioned off to the highest bidder. It takes place at Gordon's Pub (Delaware Ave--just south of Hertel). A $10 minimum donation is requested, with all proceeds going to Compass House. Please stop by if you can. The judging and pageant will take place around 7. Doors will open around 4. Keep in mind that a certain fellow Guildmember will be sporting a mustache he has dubbed "Thin Lizzy," which puts Adam Morrison (and only Adam Morrison) to shame.

& don't think that the party ends here! Ohhh, not by a long shot, Kemosabe. Wear comfortable shoes, 'cause it's gonna be a marathon.

The Progressive Pub Crawl continues its trek across Allentown. Some give it the moniker "Pub Stall" for its lack of mobility. But, when you look at the big picture, it has slowly crawled across the neighborhood lo these many months, one bar at a time. Check back for its as yet to be determined location. Good times, good drinks, good conversation, and a guarantee that Kirk will sing a sea shanty.

1 comment:

UB Lawyers Guild said...

The PPC finds itself at Fat Bob's this Saturday. Get your keister down to Franklin, for barbeque & some serious patio action.