Sunday, April 26, 2009

You can be active with the activists, or sleep-in with the sleepers...

This weekend the Guild had an overnight retreat in Lewiston, NY.

It was a pretty good time. We planned for next year, played games, and ate lots of snacks that Max generously brought for us.

If you haven't heard the Billy Bragg song quoted in the title of this post, you really should.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Event Tonight

Tonight at 6pm in Room 106 of O'Brian Hall, the
Buffalo Human Rights Center and the UB Lawyers Guild are sponsoring
an event titled, Does Slavery Still Exist? Human Trafficking in
Western NY.

Human trafficking, especially on the agricultural side
is one of America's largest problems, but is barely discussed in
the media. We will be discussing the history of human trafficking
in the US, current issues of human trafficking, and how human
trafficking affects Western NY, particularly in the agriculutral
arena. The event will feature speakers from Farmworker Legal
Services and International Institute's Human Trafficking
Department. We will also be showing a film at the beginning of the
event to introduce the audience to human trafficking. Food will be
provided, we hope to see you there!