Sunday, April 26, 2009

You can be active with the activists, or sleep-in with the sleepers...

This weekend the Guild had an overnight retreat in Lewiston, NY.

It was a pretty good time. We planned for next year, played games, and ate lots of snacks that Max generously brought for us.

If you haven't heard the Billy Bragg song quoted in the title of this post, you really should.


James Milles said...

I love that song!

James Milles said...

Here is Billy Bragg playing that song on the Henry Rollins show.

Rebecca said...

That's not the original version, though. It doesn't even have the quote.

I like the original, from Workers Playtime, better.

Jordan said...

Well, hi. Haha. I just thought that one way was weird about the search term that led them to my page. I can pretty much see how people get to my page & most of it is through my friends' blogrolls. Guess those things do wonders.

Other than eating healthy & working out, my other interests actually include activism, so I think I'll add you to my Blogroll & Google Reader. =]

Thanks for stopping by.

Rebecca said...

Well very cool. This a group blog a bunch of us law students started.